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North Korea cracks tourism door open

North Korea is reportedly readying to reopen its borders to groups of foreign tourists as early as December.

Tour companies said the hermit kingdom will resume foreign tourism in the northeastern city of Samjiyon in December — and possibly the rest of the country shortly afterwards. It follows years of strict border controls spurred by the pandemic.

Koryo Tours, based in Beijing, said on its website: “We have received confirmation from our local partner that tourism to Samjiyon and likely the rest of the country will officially resume in December 2024.”

Last year international flights in and out of North Korea resumed and a small number of Russian tourists visited on a private tour in February. But the country has been largely off-limits to foreign visitors since 2020. The Chinese tour agency said: “Having waited for over four years to make this announcement, Koryo Tours is very excited for the opening of North Korean tourism once again.”

Another tour operator, KTG Tours, has also said foreigners will be allowed into Samjiyon from this winter. Samjiyon, located near the Chinese border, is being turned into what Pyongyang calls a “socialist utopia” and a “model of a highly civilized mountain city” boasting a new ski resort, hotels and apartments.

Chad O’Carroll, chief executive of the U.S.-based analysis firm Korea Risk Group, questioned the reopening announcement. He told the BBC: “I will believe it when I see it. For now, I am quite skeptical we will see any real movement in December.”
